So, I haven't updated in quite a while, now have I. I guess that is something that should change. After all, what's the point of even having a blog if you never use it?
The timing isn't exactly the best though, I don't really have all that much to write about right now. And to be honest, I should really spend my time on other stuff, like my Latin assignment that I am seriously struggeling with at the moment. It just got really hard all of the sudden, and it's due tomorrow and I am pretty much freaking out here - for more reasons than one. First of all, I decided to skip Latin on monday because I wanted to catch up on some of the stuff myself. I didn't go to school today either because my tummy hurts, I feel like crap and a certain monthly event has "blessed" me with its appearance. So yeah, it means that I've missed a lot of stuff and that only makes me freak out even more.
Tomorrow this really famous archaeologist from Stanford University is having a guest lecture that all our archaeology teachers really wanted us to go (and which we WANT to go to) at the exact same time as my Latin class. Tomorrow's Latin class is pretty important because it's the day we hand in/recieve our new assignments and I should really be there. But what about the other guest lecture then - the opportunity one only gets once..
When I'm in class I usually have a good time and feel that what I'm learning is interesting and exciting, but once I go home, I don't have any happy feelings about the classes at all. >_< I feel like it's all thrown at me and I have no chance of catching up before it's too late. But yes, I'm probably just freaking out like I always do, but I can't help it, it feels awful. A thousand things are rushing through my head about stuff I need to do EVERY SECOND, but once I start doing them, I can't keep myself motivated and start doing something else instead. I really do have troubles motivating myself now, for some reason.
I'm even thinking about quitting Latin this semester and rather take it up again next fall (or this spring if I don't get into the Rome/Athens program) and focus on my other classes instead. I'm taking 20 points more than I have to, so quitting Latin wont damage my points what-so-ever. But I still feel like that would be a very stupid thing to do, especially now that I have started it. I don't like quitting things like that. I just hope it will get easier.
Back to more happier things. I just had the most amazing summer of my life. The USA trip was beyond incredible, and so was the time I spent with my friends and Oliver too. Simply amazing.
I'm learning what it feels like to be crazy in love with an unbelievable guy every day, and when other things seem dark and hard to handle, those feelings - and him of course - is what keeps me going, and helps me push through it.
I guess that's all I needed to get off my chest for this time.
I think I better call my mum today, I haven't talked to her since friday, that must be a new record of her not calling, or something. o_O
Walk in peace, friends.
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