Or something. I wont really use this blog thing to talk about myself though. Or will I?
I don't even have anything to write right now, and I have no idea why I even started one of these in the first place. I guess we all just need a place where we can put our thoughts onto paper, if not for anything else but to get them out of our heads.
True, my head is often packed with thoughts. Sometimes good ones, the kind of thoughts one would want to use precious brain capacity to think about, but other times not so good ones. The kind of thoughts one wouldn't even want to talk loudly about - let alone pollute ones head with. I guess this blog will get filled with both of them. Let's just hope there will be more of the first kind. YES. Positive thinking ftw!
I saw that teddy laying on the street while I was going for a walk one day. It looked kind of sad, someone had forgotten about it and left it there all alone. I wanted to hug it and give it a kiss, but when I got back, it was gone. I sure hope its owner found it, and that it was safe back in his/hers arms.
Anyway, should I use this thing to tell a little about myself? I always dread doing those kinds of things because I am never sure of what to write. Lives are usually too complicated to get put down on paper like that (or whatever in this case a screen). It's also way too easy to bend the truth. So what can I write then?

Seriously, don't read this if you want to read stuff that makes sense all the time. Because guess what, that's impossible. Oh man this sweater is making me itch. I hope it's not making me allergic, oh gosh. x_X
It's pretty outside these days when the weather is being a doll and blessing us with sunshine and warmth. I like those evenings. Just sitting outside, not feeling cold at all, and just staring at random things. I could seriously sit and stare at whatever and just ponder for hours and hours on end. I guess that's why my mother used to tell everyone that it was impossible for me to get bored. I always figured out something to do, and when I didn't, I just sit and think without doing much else at all. I guess I'm one of those people who can survive in their own company or something. o_O
Anyway, I'll stop for now. I have no idea what this entry was about and if I'll ever write more. So for now, take care and eat fish. If you like fish, that is. People should eat more fish.
1 comment:
i REALLY don't like fish.
but i like you.
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