I must be honest and say that it was one of my best in a long, long time. Really awesome having the opportunity to spend it in the capital and see what it's like celebrating it here. And I must say.. it was crowded. o_o
Hahaha. I've been to a soccer game where a hundred thousand people were gathered at once, but I must say, crowd-wise this was far far bigger. Never seen so many dressed up people together in once place at the same time - ever.
My roommate and I spent the night before the 17th at her sisters place. And we were supposed to go with them that morning, in order to get good places for the parade and everything, but because of my roommate's habit of spending 84982903 hours in the bathroom every morning in order to get ready, they had to go without us. So we got ready and took the bus and tube into town (both btw was PACKED). It was hard to move around because of all the people, but we

managed to drag ourselves all the way up to the castle. We bought ice cream and I took a billion pics. It was fun seeing the whole royal family standing up there, waving to the whole city. I wonder what the view from up there looked like. I bet it was like one giant carpet of people in red, white and blue.
We were pretty lucky with the weather too. Sunny, bright, warm and nice. Although there was a somewhat chilly breeze that paid us a visit every now and then.
After we grew tired of watching the parade, we headed down towards the harbor after a stop at a very crowded Deli de Luca where we bought ourselves a piece of cake. Aker Brygge was so crowded that we stood still for ten minutes before taking our next step, but because of this amazing guy called Oliver I knew of a "secret" spot down on the edge of the pier next to all the boats. So we walked down there and enjoyed ourselves with the cakes, the slight tanning and all the people in their boats driving by smiling at us. But god knows I wish I was there with a certain other individual.. Dude, there are more nordlandsbunader in Oslo than in the whole Nordland county combined, I am SURE. O_O

Around 2 PM-ish, we took the bus back to her sisters place and I collapsed in bed. I was totally exhausted. About two hours later I got woken up because the rest of the family needed help setting up the tables and chairs and everything outside. We had a giant outdoor barbeque party thingie with some of the other neighbors and it was so cosy it's insane. Amazing food, cakes, strawberries, wine and God knows what else.
After that I collapsed in bed for the second time that day.
The next morning we went back home.
(more stuff about that to follow...)