Had a wonderful day today.
My class were going on this walk around medieval Oslo, and it blew me away.
Met up with Johanne, Carina and Kristin and walked together to Grønland where we met next to the park and the police station AND the old jail we all know from Olsenbanden. xD (Fuck, some construction workers make cat whistling sounds to me which scared me. ;_; )Funny thing was, when we were waiting there for the rest of the group, we noticed people with giant video cameras and a horse and a wagon and people in nice clothes and everything. Eventually we found out that they were filming a scene from the norwegian series Hotel Cæsar. I guess my mom would've

We started our walk and went through all the pretty 19- and 20th century buildings that are spread around in that neighborhood. We even came across a couple of archaeologist who were working in a trench in the middle of an old road there, so we got to see them at work. AWESOME. They had uncovered old wooden medieval buldings and bons and other finds and whoa. ;_;
We got to visit old ruins of several churches (and one giant cathedral) from the 11th century, and even got to enter a monestery with medieval brick enteriors and hiiigh ceilings, cute little windows and the old smells still intact. We also stopped by and looked around the enteriors of other medieval houses.
Oh man, I am so itching to get my hands dirty digging out some ancient structure. I WANT TO GO OUT INTO THE FIELD... NOW.

Yes, I really do.
When I got home I ate some strawberries and tried to make my face recover from the long day out in the sun, but it sort of failed. ;_;
I'll dedicate all of tomorrow to my schoolwork, and some walking, and ... schoolwork.
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