.. Our landlady was kind enough to buy us some chairs and a table so we can sit outside in the gorgeous weather that has graced us the past week or so. It has been absolutely amazing, temperatures above 20 and sun from a clear blue sky.
On the train back from school today I must have seen about 50 butterflies flying around in the sun. All in different colors, shapes and sizes.
I just came back from another one of my walks. Sometimes I just feel the urge to go outside and disappear into the night for a little while. Just to get away from everything, if only for an hour or two. I absolutely love my walks. :)
I walked up to the skijumping tower I took Oliver (omgsuperwonderfulamazingtime<3), and found out that there was a smaller one right next to it. We had to jump over a little gate and climb the tall one, but this smaller one was much easier to get onto. I sat there for a while in the dusk watching the sky go from orange to green to blue. I watched 22:22 come and go. I looked at the cute little bats circling the heavens above me. I could see all the way into Oslo, and funny enough - to Holmekollen, the biggest skijumping tower in Norway. It was almost like these towers stood there through the ages, saluting each other and looking out for each other through time, sun and snow. Hm, yes, it seems like I am in the romantic corner tonight.
I just wish SOMEONE was there with me. ;____;
After sitting there for a while just gazing out into the horizon I finally pinched my arm and said to myself "Renate, snap out of it, you should continue the walk". ;_; And so I did.

Dude, there are lots of beetles (YES, VERY BIG ONES) running around on the roads once it gets dark. They are kind of freaky, and superhuge.
There are so many trees out there that blossom in different shades of white and pink out there now. They smell really nice and look absolutely gorgeous and I wish I had my own.
I suppose I should try and get some sleep soon though. Early start tomorrow, have to get up at 8 AM. Luckily I just have a two hour class instead of a four hour one, like I had today. It's my last "real" class too, so it'll be kind of sad, good, and.. weird, I guess.
G'nite mates.